Marlborough Accordion
Making Music Together

Marlborough Accordion Orchestra
Our two groups within Marlborough Accordion Orchestra (“MAO”) both
rehearse on Monday evenings at ...
Froxfield Memorial Hall, Bath Rd, Froxfield, Marlborough SN8 3LD.
Main Orchestra: In this group we have about twenty experienced amateur accordion players of all ages who participate in concerts and competitions. (Mondays, 7.30-9.30 pm)
Training Orchestra: This group is for beginners and less experienced players aiming to develop and gradually move on into the Main Orchestra. The number in this group varies but it is typically around twelve people. (Mondays, 6.30-7.30 pm)
We are open to all (from age 6-106!) and we periodically run “Total Beginners” courses,
to encourage more people to give this lovely instrument a try.
We also offer accordions to borrow and introductory teaching (D.B.S. checked) for beginners
The rest of this website gives more details of our members, music and shared enjoyment.
Please contact us to join in the fun and camaraderie of “Making Music Together”.